General FAQ's
Coaching that is undertaken professionally can be defined as a relationship that is shared between the coach who has certain qualifications and a particular individual or even a group. Coaching is done in order to achieve particular goals that have been set beforehand. Coaching helps people to concentrate on their inner skills and talents. It is these skills that will enhance the personal and professional life of people. A life coach is someone who aims to help and empower others to make, meet and exceed personal and professional goals. Holistic life coaching includes all aspects of a person’s life – Mind, Body and Spirit. Life coaching helps to balance Personal and professional growth. Life coaching is empowering our clients to self-healing, providing our clients with the tools to confidently face difficult situations, deal with past emotional and physical beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve them. Whilst building confidence in our clients to further engage their strengths and build on the weaknesses to enhance their life.
Life coaching is being objective, supportive and empowering, without giving advice, imposing personal point of view, judging or becoming personally involved with the clients life.
The number of small businesses has increased in number along with the percentage of self-employed people. People have struggled to keep up with ever changing technology and require help to focus their skills and keep clear goals and action plans in place. The terms of employment contracts have undergone tremendous alterations and many people are finding it difficult to keep their stress and anxiety levels controlled with more pressure being put on their work performance. The coaching industry as an holistic industry can and does help people to cope, adjust and work out what they need in their life to achieve their personal and professional goals.
When you decide to enlist into a coach training program with Natura you will gain the skills to bring about change not only in your life but others. You will have the confidence and knowledge to help and assist others to grow and achieve their personal goals.
You will be ready to embark on a new career or adding new modalities to your existing practice.
Everyone has habits of thinking that just aren’t working for them. Coaching helps you break free of these habits by showing you new perspectives, pointing out your blind spots, and bringing on big “Light Bulb” moments. Deal with obsolete belief systems and replacing them with empowering new beliefs will bring instant results in your life.
Once you clear away what’s not working, you’ll be able to focus on where you want to be, and have a solid chance of getting there.
Coaches focuses mainly on the now and can be future focused, and will definitely acknowledge the past, however we do not deal in the mental health side of investigating the past except to acknowledge where a thought or belief may have started that needs to change. We are not qualified to diagnose or treat any health related problems and should suggest an appropriate person for our client to see should any situation concerning mental health or physical health require treatment.
Many coaches offer online and telephone coaching for individuals who prefer distance communication. Skype sessions are becoming very popular now for people in rural and remote areas. This style of coaching can also be used to reduce service fee’s and as in-between sessions support.
Meditation Teachers Training Course FAQ's
This course is delivered fully online, meaning that you can self-pace your modules and learning. There is no pressure or stress to finish your course, this course is assessed at an energetic level, there are no “exams” you need to pass as such. You do need to do the work and complete the assignments within each module.
The course in delivered in a mixture of Audio and Written Modules
There is nothing more important to us than seeing our student’s successful in their new chosen career path. You are allocated an instructor that will be with you throughout your course and he/she will be supporting you, answering your questions and guiding your journey. You instructor will be assessing your assignments and giving your feedback on your work. Your instructor (and you will get to know them well by the end of your course), will be available for you to communicate with via email, student support in the Institute or my phone/skype. Many of our overseas students appreciate the multiple ways they can communicate with us here.
No, this course is self-paced, we do suggest you keep momentum with your course, work at a steady pace which is right for you, we are all unique individuals and need to be able to work and have control over our lives, in this way Natura supports students taking the time it takes to make sure the work is understood and that you move through your modules only when you are ready.
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