Who Does This Course Suit
In an ever-changing world, we know that going into business for ourselves takes more skills in marketing than just a few flyers scattered around local venues and mailboxes. As Holistic Practitioners and Complimentary Therapists, before people put their healing and coaching into your hands they want to know who you are and what your values are, the best way to let others know about you is to build a community, where you can be found. Throughout the course we’ll talk about the various types of communities, but what is certain is that you need one. Whether it's through facebook where people can go to learn about your values, core beliefs etc through what you post, articles you write and your interaction with others. They’ll look for testimonials about what experience others have had with you, and perhaps even open their dialogue with you with some concerns and be delighted when you respond to them, next thing your taking the booking or engaging in selling your new client something that will assist them.
If you have already started building a community and struggling to get engagement this course will help you to see where the misalignment are and correct them.
No matter how big or small your business venture the one thing you do need is to have a community around you. If it feels a little overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be, in fact once you get started and see easy it is, you will start to enjoy the journey and the interaction with like minded people.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get in ‘Build a Community Around Your Brand’…
With Build a Community Around Your Brand, you’ll get everything you need to build your own community. ….where we’ll show you how to increase trust, sales, and customer success with an engaged, loyal brand community.
Here’s how…
People don’t trust businesses or brands. They trust people who they can relate to.
At the same time, in a world where we are increasingly isolated behind our computers and mobile devices,
Your audience craves personal connection with others like them.
They want to find out what their peers are thinking and doing, share ideas and feedback, swap stories, get support, socialise with people who have similar values, and feel a part of something special.
They want to know the human beings behind any brand they’re interested in.
What do businesses gain from building a community?
Having a thriving, engaged community will:
You’ll also get deeper insights about your audience’s needs and challenges,
….which means you’ll make better decisions about every aspect of your business!
Learning Objectives:
By the time you complete this course, you’ll be able to:
This course is broken down into 7 major modules and individual lessons to take you step-by-step through the way to create a brand community, get engagement with members, and leverage it to grow your business.
On completion of this Build a Community Around Your Brand Course Online, you will be provided with a Certificate Like an example directly below:
This course will teach you all you need to know to set up and run a successful brand community. You’ll learn techniques for encouraging the engagement and interaction which is vital to maintaining a vibrant community. You’ll discover how to attract the right members who resonate with your values and how to provide the content they want to engage with. This course provides you with the keys to growing your brand and your business through your thriving brand community.
You’ll start out with an overview of the course and be excited to jump in and get going.
Why You Need a Brand Community
Treating your target market like a community is a vitally important step towards increasing business success. In Module 1, you’ll explore ways a brand community will enhance your business and why your branding plays a central part.
Unit 1: Your Business Needs a Community In Unit 1, we’ll show you the benefits of a community, so that you can identify the potential advantages for business growth.
Unit 2: Your Brand Message In Unit 2, we’ll teach you how to clarify your branding and the values you want your community to reflect and cultivate, so that you can share these to attract like-minded community members.
Pick the Right Community for Your Business
Now that you know how a community will help your business, you need to make sure that it will help you achieve your specific business goals.
In Module 2, you will set goals for your community and drill down to identify who your community is for.
Unit 1: Set Goals for Your Community In Unit 1, you’ll explore how to pick the type of community that best meets your business needs and what role you will personally play, so that you can be confident your community will help you achieve your goals.
Unit 2: Identify Your Ideal Community Members In Unit 2, you’ll share tactics for defining who your ideal community members are and what those people want from a community, so that you attract the people that can help most.
Unit 3: Bring Your Community to Life In Unit 3, we’ll help you will find the right platform to host your community, so that your members have quick and easy access to the group.
Lay the Foundations for Your Community
To attract people into your community who share your values, you need to be clear about what they’ll get from the group, so they can choose to opt in or not.
In Module 3, you will lay the foundations for your community by identifying the benefits it will offer and the rules you want to place on community membership.
Unit 1: Describe Your Community In Unit 1, we’ll show you how to describe the purpose and benefits of the community clearly, so people can decide if they’re a fit.
Unit 2: Define the Rules of Your Community In Unit 2, we’ll teach you how to define the rules of your community, so members know how to participate and will feel safe in the environment.
Attract Community Members
Now you have everything in place to start your community. But a community isn’t a community without people. The next task is to get people to join.
In Module 4, you will do just that by taking steps to recruit group members and making sure they are onboarded successfully.
Unit 1: Add People to Your Community In Unit 1, we’ll show you how to entice people to join your community, so you can quickly increase membership to a level that fosters interaction.
Unit 2: Onboard New Members In Unit 2, we’ll teach you how to welcome and guide new community members, so they can reap the greatest benefits and provide value for other members.
Encourage Engagement and Provide Leadership to Your Community
Bringing people into a community is one thing; turning them from passive absorbers of information to engaged, active participants in the community is another.
In Module 5, you will learn how to manage your community, so members feel supported, and you’ll learn the best practices for encouraging interaction and engagement in the group to make it a strong, vibrant community.
Unit 1: How to Manage Your Community In Unit 1, we’ll explore best practices for you to follow for managing your group, so that your members have confidence in your leadership.
Unit 2: Encourage Engagement with Your Content In Unit 2, we’ll teach you how to identify what content community members want and how to encourage engagement with that content, so that you create a participative, interactive community.
Unit 3: Encourage Interaction Among Members In Unit 3, we’ll share ways to encourage interaction among your community members, so that they get value and keep coming back to participate.
Leverage Your Community to Grow Your Business
Once your community is established, you are in a position to reap the rewards of your hard work. While the community is predominantly for the members, it will also be helpful for you and serve as a springboard for the promotion of your business.
In Module 6, you will learn how to gather feedback and referrals and how your community will assist you in growing your brand.
Unit 1: Seek Feedback from Members In Unit 1, we’ll show you how to tap into your community as a source of data and feedback on your offers and new projects, so that you can provide what the community wants.
Unit 2: Collect Testimonials and Referrals In Unit 2, we’ll teach you how to use your community as a source of recommendations about yourself and your work, so that you can attract more customers.
Unit 3: Leverage Your Community to Grow Your Brand In Unit 3, we’ll explore ways to leverage your community to grow your business brand, so that you can expand your reach and nurture your business growth.
Review and Refine
In this final module, we’ll bring everything we’ve covered in the course together, so that you are in the best place to set up and run a thriving community. You’ll also have the opportunity to review the course and plan future action.
We understand that it can be risky buying courses online. Let’s face it, you don’t know us very well (yet) but we’re willing to put everything on the line with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
We are so confident you will love our courses and be 100% satisfied with the content and support we offer we are willing to offer you a full refund with all our courses.
You can access any of our courses for up to 7 days and look at the material in Module 1 and if you go “This is not for me” then write to us and we will happily refund all your money so there is no risk to you.
That’s our promise to you.
Founder of Natura Training Institute
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